MLM Success Tip: 2 Important Questions To Ask Your Team One of the most important things you can develop as a leader in your business is your communication skills. I found that there are two questions that I have used over the years to continually find out more and more about my team. Knowing what your team likes and what makes them tick is so very important. You know the old saying They don t care how much you Know, until They Know How Much You Care. Here s a link to the Wikipedia article on communication skills that you might like. Communication is certainly one of the most important Leadership Skills you can learn. In this day and age we are so tied to our electronic devices that we have forgotten how to communicate with live people. So Here is you MLM Success Tip for Today. 1. What Did You Like? What this question will do is answer the question about what that person really liked about the event, vacation, training, or any other meeting that you might have had. By asking
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