MLM Secrets: 3 Ways to Increase Your Posture To A Position of Strength In Network Marketing most people struggle with how they come across when they are recruiting. Understanding the difference between a position of weakness and a position of strength is critical in having MLM Success. For whatever reason most new people are so desperate or just excited about their new opportunity that without knowing it the present a position of weakness. What does it mean to come from a position of strength. Posture is Not being arrogant or jerk, it’s speaking with confidence and holding your own. The way you can tell when someone lacks posture is in the way they walk, stand and speak. There is a big difference when you are speaking with a person that comes from strength instead of weakness. Here Are 3 Simple Ways to Increase Your Position to One of Strength 1. Your Language What you say about yourself will manifest more into your life. If you think you can or you think you can t, either w
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