MLM Mindset: 6 Rules of Success Let s talk about rules for success. I believe there are 6 main rules of success that if followed your chances of success will increase significantly. I heard the question ask to Arnold Schwarzenegger what was success and he replied with these 6 rules of success that I think are great and certainly apply to those of us who are building a Network Marketing Business and want to move to being a Professional. I believe if you exercise these rules in life you WILL become Successful. Here Are The 6 Rules of Success 1. Trust Yourself! You need to know who you want to be or become and trust yourself no matter what others may say. This means moving away from what your parents may want or others may think you should be. You need to dig down deep and find out who not what you want to be no matter how crazy or what others may think, Who You Want To BE! 2. Break The Rules! You have to break the rules, not the law, but the rules. It s impossible to be
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