MLM Secrets: Go For No! I just finished reading this great book by authors Richard Fenton & Andrea Waltz Go For No. I wanted to just give you my thoughts on the incredible power of this book and it s concepts. It is so contrary to our normal thinking of goal setting and hitting hard to meet quotas and getting those sales. I love the tagline of the book YES is the destination NO is how you get there. Let s look at our traditional training and thought process. We are taught very early on that we should set goals and strive to make those goals at all cost. Nothing wrong with that . where I believe we have been mislead is we are taught to go for that YES and when we do we have arrived. After reading Go for No! my whole thought process and goal setting system has changed. Prior to this I was so caught up in getting the YES and once I had all was complete. The problem I now see with that is to get to that oh so blessed YES we have to go through so many NO s. So think about this, we
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