Thursday, April 30, 2015

Team Building: Laws of Teamwork Part 6

Team Building: Laws of Teamwork Part 6 Only a few more parts left of this team building series on the Laws of Teamwork.  Today we explore Laws 11 and 12, The Law of the Scoreboard and The Law of the Bench. I always want to encourage you to read John Maxwell s book The 17 Indisputable Laws of Teamwork.  His insights in leadership and teamwork are incredible. So Here are Laws 11 and 12 of the Laws of Teamwork 1.     The Law of the Scoreboard The Team Can Make Adjustments When It Knows Where It Stands! Without having and knowing the scoreboard, a team is unable to make adjustments along the way.  Teams that are continually making an adjustment to improve themselves are the most successful. For any kind of team, the scoreboard is essential in the following ways: 1.   The Scoreboard Is Essential to Understanding. 2.   The Scoreboard Is Essential to Evaluating. 3.   The Scoreboard Is Essential to Decision Making. 4.   The Scoreboard Is Essential to Adjusting. 5.   The Scoreboard

Team Building: Laws of Teamwork Part 6 — Ron Deering

Only a few more parts left of this team building series on the Laws of Teamwork. Today we explore Laws 11 and 12, The Law of the Scoreboard and The Law of the Bench.

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Team Building: The Laws of Teamwork Part 5 — Ron Deering - Dream Lifestyle

Well, here we are in part 5 of our 8 part series on Team Building: The Laws of Teamwork. I hope you have been enjoying this series as much as I have to share it with you.

Monday, April 27, 2015

Team Building: The Laws of Teamwork Part 4

Team Building: The Laws of Teamwork Part 4 Team Building is what Network Marketing is all about.  Teamwork is about developing relationships and creating an atmosphere of growth and learning. Today we will go into Laws 7 and 8 from John Maxwell s book, The 17 Indisputable Laws of Teamwork So Here are Today s Laws of Teamwork 1.     The Law of the Compass Vision Gives Team Members Direction and Confidence. Great vision precedes great achievement. Every team needs a compelling vision to give it direction. A team without vision is, at worst, purposeless. At best, it is subject to the personal (and sometimes selfish) agendas of its various teammates. As the agendas work against each other, the team’s energy and drive drain away. On the other hand, a team that embraces a vision becomes focused, energized, and confident. To measure your vision and know whether it is worthy and compelling you need to check your compass. Maxwell suggests you should check the following six compasses befor

Sunday, April 26, 2015

MLM Mindset: The Four Temperaments — Ron Deering - Dream Lifestyle

We've all heard of the personality colors a lot these days. I very seldom see an article discussing the Four Temperaments that we fall into.

Saturday, April 25, 2015

Team Building: The Laws of Teamwork Part 3

Team Building: The Laws of Teamwork Part 3 Todays post we will talk about the next 2 Laws of Teamwork.  In part 3 we are going to summarize The Law of the Chain and The Law of the Catalyst. I believe I have mentioned this before but I love the acronym of TEAM Together Everyone Achieves More.  Once we all understand that we do not live in a bubble and together our team building efforts take on a new life. John Maxwell not only understands Leadership but he understands how to put that in place to enhance teamwork and team building to all new heights. So Here Are Laws of Teamwork 5 and 6 1.     The Law of the Chain The Strength of the Team Is Impacted by Its Weakest Link. As much as you would like to measure your team by your best people, the truth is that the strength of the team is impacted by its weakest link! As much as you may want everyone on your team you need to understand three things about that. 1.    Not Everyone Will Take The Journey. 2.   Not Everyone Should Take The

Team Building: The Laws of Teamwork Part 3 — Ron Deering - Dream Lifestyle

Todays post we will talk about the next 2 Laws of Teamwork. In part 3 we are going to summarize The Law of the Chain and The Law of the Catalyst.

Friday, April 24, 2015

Team Building: Laws of Teamwork Part 2

Team Building: Laws of Teamwork Part 2 In part 2 of the laws of teamwork we are going to take a look at the Law of Niche and the Law of Mount Everest from John Maxwell s book The 17 Indisputable Laws of Teamwork . All players have a place where they add the most value and As the Challenge Escalates, the Need for TeamWork Elevates. Understanding Leadership in building your team is crucial and understanding the Laws of Teamwork are all a part of that. So Here are the Next Two Laws of Teamwork 3.     The Law Of The Niche All Players have a place where they add the most value. Having the right people in the right places is essential to team building. A team’s dynamic changes according to the placement of people: The Wrong Person in the Wrong Place = Regression The Wrong Person in the Right Place = Frustration The Right Person in the Wrong Place = Confusion The Right Person in the Right Place = Progression The Right People in the Right Places = Multiplication You can t build a winning

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Team Building: Laws of Teamwork Part 1

Team Building: Laws of Teamwork Part 1 Over the next few days I m going to be sharing with you the The 17 Indisputable Laws of Teamwork from John Maxwell s book. I would recommend you get the book and read all there is to teamwork and team building. He is known for is many books on leadership so when I picked up his book on Teamwork I was a little surprised at his insight. Understanding that Network Marketing is the business of developing Relationships and  a Team it would only makes sense to understand what TeamWork is all about. The Laws of TeamWork 1.     The Law of Significance One is too small a number to achieve greatness!  As much as we admire solo achievement the truth is that no individual has done anything of value. Nothing of significance was ever achieved by an individual acting alone.  If you check back in history and even today you will see that behind every significant achievement there were many people that together made it all happen. The Belief that One Person C

Team Building: Laws of Teamwork Part 1 — Ron Deering - Dream Lifestyle

Over the next few days I'm going to be sharing with you the 17 laws of TeamWork from John Maxwell's book. I would recommend you get the book and read all there is to teamwork and team building.

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Mindset Tips: 10 Quotes From Giant Zig Ziglar

Mindset Tips: 10 Quotes From Giant Zig Ziglar A World War II veteran, Zig Ziglar became the top salesperson in several organizations before striking out on his own as a motivational speaker and trainer. With a Southern charm and lessons grounded in Christianity, Zig Ziglar wrote over two dozen books and amassed a following of millions who were encouraged by his lessons for success. He understood that mindset was so very important to success in life and in business. Here are 10 quotes from Zig Ziglar that have the power to completely change the direction of one’s life.    “Remember that failure is an event, not a person.”    “You will get all you want in life, if you help enough other people get what they want.”    “People often say motivation doesn t last. Neither does bathing—that’s why we recommend it daily.”   “There has never been a statue erected to honor a critic.”    “People don t buy for logical reasons. They buy for emotional reasons.”

Monday, April 20, 2015

MLM Success Tip: 3 Facebook Recruiting Mistakes to Avoid

MLM Success Tip: 3 Facebook Recruiting Mistakes to Avoid With over 901 million people in its network, Facebook Recruiting is the go-to spot for hungry network marketers looking to recruit fresh blood into their home based business. And, while Facebook is an absolute goldmine, prospecting on this social network has gotten a little bit out of control and recruiting mistakes abound. So to help you learn how not to grow you business on Facebook here are three steps every online marketer needs to know. So Here are The 3 Facebook Recruiting Mistakes to Avoid 1. Keep a Professional Profile I can t tell you how many times I ve been prospected by someone who has a timeline cover of them hanging out in a club with drinks in their hands, or a wall full of profanity. To attract the types of people who want to seriously build a business from home, you have to present yourself in a professional manner. Now, don t get me wrong, I am not saying you shouldn t be yourself. But, network marketing is a s

MLM Success Tip: 3 Facebook Recruiting Mistakes to Avoid — Ron Deering - Dream Lifestyle

With over 901 million people in its network, Facebook Recruiting is the go-to spot for hungry network marketers looking to recruit fresh blood into their home based business. And, while Facebook is an absolute goldmine, prospecting on this social network has gotten a little bit out of control and recruiting mistakes abound.

Sunday, April 19, 2015

MLM Success Tip: Stop Comparing Results

MLM Success Tip: Stop Comparing Results! Stop Comparing Your Current Results with the Current Results of Others. I m going to talk about just Stop Comparing Results at all. We are creatures that are typically very competitive and we tend to compare are results with those around us. This was a very real challenge for me in my younger years. I wanted to always be the best and when someone else came in the business and grew fast and made more than me I was very depressed. I very quickly realized that there would always be someone out there that had better results than me. I decided that sitting around whining that someone got better results than me, or is a better presenter than me, or has a bigger team than me, or is making more money than me was not only futile but just plan stupid! I knew I had to change my mindset and start focusing on becoming a better me. If I was going to compare I was going to start comparing the old me with the new me. It was time to start comparing what work in

MLM Success Tip: Stop Comparing Results! — Ron Deering - Dream Lifestyle

"Stop Comparing Your Current Results with the Current Results of Others." I'm going to talk about just S

Friday, April 17, 2015

Are You A Giver Or A Taker?

Are You A Giver Or A Taker? This is the age old question, Are You A Giver or a Taker.  Are you a Servant Leader or someone who wishes they could get their team to do more for you? I have a blogging friend Phillip Caillavet who writes a blog named Servant Leader Success that I just love. Every successful Network Marketing Leader has learned to understand Servant Leadership and a major giver and not a taker. When we first get started in our first MLM company we are told to gather our list and start the process of hitting up our warm market. We aren t taught properly how to approach them and how to sit back and just listen to what their desires are in life.  We go into every meeting with our own agenda how can this person make my life better and make me RICH! We ve all heard the old saying It s Better To Give Than To Receive and I m here to tell you that this is ABSOLUTELY TRUE! Network Marketing has got a bad rap because there are so many people out there who have been overcome with

Are You A Giver Or A Taker? — Ron Deering - Dream Lifestyle

This is the age old question, Are You A Giver or a Taker. Are you a Servant Leader or someone who wishes they could get their team to do more for you?

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Leadership Tip: 5 Levels of Leadership

Leadership Tip: 5 Levels of Leadership Understanding the 5 Levels will help understand where you are and what it takes to get to the next level. Today I want to give you 5 Levels of Leadership Summary, but I would encourage you to read John Maxwell book The 5 Levels of Leadership: Proven Steps to Maximize Your Potential Leadership is one of those skills that is a must if you are going to build a large organization and build successful leaders. A little about John Maxwell.  His philosophy is “Everything rises and falls on leadership.”  He has written over 70 books and speaks to millions all over the world on leadership and how to become a great leader. My goal here is to show you What is Good Leadership and help you understand a little how to move up the levels and grow in your own leadership skills. So Here are The 5 Levels of Leadership 1.     Position Position is the lowest level of leadership— the entry level. The only influence a positional leader has is that which c

Leadership Tip: 5 Levels of Leadership — Ron Deering - Dream Lifestyle

Understanding the 5 Levels of Leadership will help understand where you are and what it takes to get to the next level.

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

MLM Success Tip: 2 Important Questions To Ask Your Team

MLM Success Tip: 2 Important Questions To Ask Your Team One of the most important things you can develop as a leader in your business is your communication skills. I found that there are two questions that I have used over the years to continually find out more and more about my team. Knowing what your team likes and what makes them tick is so very important. You know the old saying They don t care how much you Know, until They Know How Much You Care.   Here s a link to the Wikipedia article on communication skills that you might like. Communication is certainly one of the most important Leadership Skills you can learn.  In this day and age we are so tied to our electronic devices that we have forgotten how to communicate with live people. So Here is you MLM Success Tip for Today. 1.    What Did You Like? What this question will do is answer the question about what that person really liked about the event, vacation, training, or any other meeting that you might have had. By asking

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Leadership Training - 3 Types of Listening — Ron Deering - Dream Lifestyle

One of the most important things that you can learn with Leadership Training is to become a great listener. I'm sure you have heard the common cliche' of

Monday, April 13, 2015

Marketing Tips: 10 Content Marketing Strategies

Marketing Tips: 10 Content Marketing Strategies Content Marketing Strategies are very important to writing your blog and getting out there as an authority.  I want to share with you 10 blogging tips that will help you when putting your content together. If you are interested in learning where to get your content then I would recommend reading my blog on Ray Higdon s ILT Method. These marketing Tricks and Tips will help you create better content and make your blogging journey much better. These blogging tips for beginners are just as beneficial for the seasoned pro, so enjoy. 10 Content Marketing Strategies 1.    Be Yourself So many times people start writing their blog and become somebody else.  They do videos with a tux on and elaborate backdrops just to impress everyone. The first blogging tip I can give you is to Just Be YOURSELF! 2.   Begin with the end in mind You ve probably heard this before. Its from Steven Covey’s “7 Habits of Highly Effective People.” It applies t

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Marketing Tips: 4 Rules for Personal Branding — Ron Deering - Dream Lifestyle

Personal branding is all about identifying and articulating what makes you unique, knowledgeable, and valuable in the eyes of your target audience. With your personal branding you are building credibility and instilling an authoritative element to your name, face and image.

Saturday, April 11, 2015

How To Recruit Like a Kung Fu Master

How To Recruit Like a Kung Fu Master How would you like to become a recruiting master like a Shifu.   Shīfu is a Chinese term for a master or teacher used with Shaolin Kung Fu. I love this saying that is a new twist on the old saying You can lead a horse to water but you can t make them drink which goes like this You can lead a horse to water but you can t make them drink, the trick is to make them thirsty. Learning to be a recruiting master is a skill you will want to have and you have to practice just like you would Kung Fu. One of the best trainings I ve gone through on becoming a Kung Fu master of recruiting is Ray Higdon s Recruiting Mastery Course. So let s talk about how to salt the food of the prospect to make them thirsty. What exactly do I mean when I talk about salting to make your prospects thirsty.  In a nutshell how to get prospects interested and open to whatever you are offering. You need to start the question process that makes them thirsty by adding the salt.  Ju

How To Recruit Like a Kung Fu Master — Ron Deering - Dream Lifestyle

How would you like to become a recruiting master like a Shifu. Shīfu is a Chinese term for a master or teacher. I love this saying that is a new twist on the old saying

Thursday, April 9, 2015

10 MLM Tips To Set You Apart From Others

10 MLM Tips To Set You Apart From Others! Have you ever wondered why some people always succeed in their Network Marketing business and others seem to always struggle. I hope these 10 mlm success tips will help changing converting prospect being difficult to you being a recruiting PRO! Here Are The 10 Tips to Change Your Prospecting and have MLM Success 1. Make Your First Impression the One That Lasts! We only get once to make that FIRST Impression and we need to make it our best.  MLM Success can all hang on the first time your prospect meets you. If you want to be different than everyone else make sure that you understand that your first impression does really matter, make it count. If you want to achieve MLM success then this is one you need to work on for every meet. 2. Understand what you don t know! It s okay to let people know that you don t know it all.  Solomon, the wisest man in the world said that a wise man surrounds himself with wise counsel. That s because we can t kn

10 MLM Tips To Set You Apart From Others! — Ron Deering - Dream Lifestyle

Have you ever wondered why some people always succeed in their Network Marketing business and others seem to always struggle. I hope these 10 mlm success tips will help changing converting prospect being difficult to you being a recruiting PRO!

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

5 Rules to Effective Blog Commenting Strategy — Ron Deering - Dream Lifestyle

A regular strategy of blog commenting on other blogs in your niche is a great way to build your brand and bring some traffic over to your own blog. This is probably nothing you haven't seen before. However, have you ever thought about your strategy to actually doing it?

Monday, April 6, 2015

10 MLM Success Secrets That Just Make Sense!

10 MLM Success Secrets That Just Make Sense! Everyone would like to know the MLM Success Secrets that just make sense.  We hear about the Secret to Success all the time just to find out you have to be a genius to understand what they are talking about. Maybe the success secrets you have read about before take a lot of tech savvy or education that you don t have or have the time to learn before you have some success. MLM Success is really pretty simple and straightforward.  Understand I didn t say easy I just said simple. It s like anything thing else we do in life, once we understand the basics and what it takes to have small success we just duplicate it over and over for great success. The Secret to Success is to follow these 10 simple rules and then teach them to your team.  Once we understand the Success

Saturday, April 4, 2015

MLM Success Tips: The Importance of Mentorship — Ron Deering - Dream Lifestyle

One of the most important things I can think of when it comes to building a successful Network Marketing Business is having some great Mentorship. Today I want to take sometime and introduce you to my mentor and tell you how having a great mentor has helped and impacted my business and life.

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MLM Secrets: 3 Ways to Increase Your Posture

MLM Secrets: 3 Ways to Increase Your Posture To A Position of Strength In Network Marketing most people struggle with how they come across when they are recruiting. Understanding the difference between a position of weakness and a position of strength is critical in having MLM Success. For whatever reason most new people are so desperate or just excited about their new opportunity that without knowing it the present a position of weakness. What does it mean to come from a position of strength. Posture is Not being arrogant or jerk, it’s speaking with confidence and holding your own. The way you can tell when someone lacks posture is in the way they walk, stand and speak. There is a big difference when you are speaking with a person that comes from strength instead of weakness. Here Are 3 Simple Ways to Increase Your Position to One of Strength 1.     Your Language What you say about yourself will manifest more into your life. If you think you can or you think you can t, either w

MLM Secrets: 3 Ways to Increase Your Posture To A Position of Strengt — Ron Deering - Dream Lifestyle

In Network Marketing most people struggle with how they come across when they are recruiting. Understanding the difference between a position of weakness and a position of strength is critical in having MLM Success.

Friday, April 3, 2015

Leadership: 7 Questions Leaders Should Ask Themselves — Ron Deering - Dream Lifestyle

I'm currently reading a great book by Author John Maxwell “Good Leaders Ask Great Questions”leadership that has a whole chapter devoted to the questions we should ask ourselves.

Thursday, April 2, 2015

MLM Secrets: Go For No

MLM Secrets: Go For No! I just finished reading this great book by authors Richard Fenton & Andrea Waltz Go For No. I wanted to just give you my thoughts on the incredible power of this book and it s concepts. It is so contrary to our normal thinking of goal setting and hitting hard to meet quotas and getting those sales. I love the tagline of the book YES is the destination NO is how you get there. Let s look at our traditional training and thought process.  We are taught very early on that we should set goals and strive to make those goals at all cost. Nothing wrong with that . where I believe we have been mislead is we are taught to go for that YES and when we do we have arrived. After reading Go for No!  my whole thought process and goal setting system has changed.  Prior to this I was so caught up in getting the YES and once I had all was complete.  The problem I now see with that is to get to that oh so blessed YES we have to go through so many NO s. So think about this, we

MLM Secrets: Go For No! — Ron Deering - Dream Lifestyle

I just finished reading this great book by authors Richard Fenton & Andrea Waltz - Go For No. I wanted to just give you my thoughts on the incredible power of this book and it's concepts.

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

MLM Mindset: 6 Rules of Success

MLM Mindset: 6 Rules of Success Let s talk about rules for success.  I believe there are 6 main rules of success that if followed your chances of success will increase significantly. I heard the question ask to Arnold Schwarzenegger what was success and he replied with these 6 rules of success that I think are great and certainly apply to those of us who are building a Network Marketing Business and want to move to being a Professional. I believe if you exercise these rules in life you WILL become Successful. Here Are The 6 Rules of Success 1.    Trust Yourself! You need to know who you want to be or become and trust yourself no matter what others may say.  This means moving away from what your parents may want or others may think you should be. You need to dig down deep and find out who not what you want to be no matter how crazy or what others may think, Who You Want To BE! 2.    Break The Rules! You have to break the rules, not the law, but the rules.  It s impossible to be

MLM Mindset: 6 Rules of Success — Ron Deering - Dream Lifestyle

Let's talk about rules for success. I believe there are 6 main rules of success that if followed your chances of success will increase significantly.