Understand what it means to learn how to make one million dollars. 1 Million Dollare I want to start today s tip with a direct quote for Ray s blog article - Don t look at a million dollars (or even a billion) as some pie in the sky goal, look at it for what it is. If you want to learn how to make one million dollars, learn how to add one million dollars or more worth of value to your marketplace. WOW, that s a bold statement, but it s coming from someone who has made a million dollars doing just that. Ray Higdon is a great example of how adding value to your profession whatever it is will make you a Million Dollars. Are there many other paths to making a million dollars, yes of course. Some have made their millions in Real Estate, others in the Stock Market, and yet others in Goods & Services. This tip and article, though are all about Network Marketing/Internet Marketing. I believe totally in what Ray is talking about. The more value you give to the community the more you be
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