How Do You Motivate Your Team? How Do I Motivate My Team If how do you motivate your team isn t the top question of leaders in Network marketing have then it s close. I know you have probably thought about this more times than not. So here s the answer you have all been looking for. What you need to do is to buy everyone on your team a luxury trip just for being a part of your great team whether they are doing anything at all. Sound good, NOT! I can tell you from a lot of experience that giving your team rewards for nothing does not motivate them to start doing something they weren t doing in the first place. I know you were cringing when you read that anyways, but you would be surprise how many leaders will try to breath life into dead team members by giving more and more, it just doesn t work! So how do you motivate your team. I believe there are a couple of ways. lead by example This is the best and most successful way to motivate your team. Lead by example. Get out t
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