Check Your Gauges but believe what they are telling you. Check Your Gauges As you are moving along this journey to success you must always Check Your Gauges. The challenge with most people is they check their gauges and then don t actually believe what they are telling them. This is tip #2 from Ray Higdon post on 11 tips to make one million dollars. When I was going through my pilot training one of the first things they taught us was to believe our gauges. Check Your Gauges the instructor would continuously say. At one point of the training they would put a hood on you so you couldn t see outside, then the instructor would take control of the plane and start doing all kinds of strange maneuvers. The forces on your body would be telling you that you were diving when really you were climbing, or the you were turning when really you were going straight. You were then given control of the plane and told to recovery, if you didn t Check Your Gauges before doing anything you could very
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