MLM Success Tip: Conducting A Home Business Meeting Yesterday some friends of ours had their first Home Business Meeting for a company they recently joined. They were telling me about the meeting and that s what prompted this blog. Conducting a good mlm business meeting can be the difference in get new team mates or it just being a big blowout. I hope this mlm success tip on conducting a home business meeting will help you setup and conduct your next meeting with great success. Below are the tips that I have for getting your home business meeting up and running from the preparation to the conduct of the meeting. 15 Tips for Running a Home MLM Business Meeting 1. Be upfront about your intentions. The days of hiding what you are doing and ticking people off are gone. You should always be upfront and let them know what they are coming over for. 2. Over Invite to the meeting. This is a numbers game and not all that you invite are going to show up. It s just always a g
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