MLM Secrets: 10 Reasons Why People Quit Why people quit network marketing and go back to a life they were trying to change? That is a very good question. There are number of reasons why people quit MLM businesses. Here’s a short list but there are hundreds of reasons why people give up. Do you see yourself here? You build up a small team and they do nothing. The company goes out of business. You have a crappy upline sponsor. You had some success and then your business fell apart. You are not sure what to do. You think too much about what others may think about you. You didn t bother following the training. You won t step out of your comfort zone. Your Spouse is not on board with you. I don t know anybody who would do this thing. The list goes on and on as to why people quit. I m sure you could ask Forbes Why People Quit and they would have even a longer list. Do you fall into one or more of these reasons people quit. Are you somebody that thought you had found the lottery and no
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