MLM Prospecting: Are You a Yes Man? If you have never heard of the concept of Go For No, today is your lucky day. When it comes to MLM Prospecting the Go For No method is one of the best out there. If you have never heard of the book by Richard Fenton and Andrea Waltz you are really missing out. When I first saw this title Go For No I thought this sounds like a catchy marketing slogan of some sort. It sounded like Just Say No or Go For The Moon or one of those cliche s that you hear so very often. Finally, I couldn t stand it any longer and I had to get the book on my iPad and read it to see what this NO concept was all about. MLM Prospecting by going after the NO! Well, the first thing I noticed was the SubTitle, Yes Is The Destination, No Is How You Get There. So let s start this discussion with that tagline in mind. Our ultimate goal or destination is that almighty YES! If we set up our days goals with how many Yes s we are going to get that day we will stop and feel like we h
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