Income Claims and Your Income Disclosure Income Claims that are being blown out of proportion are always an issue and opening your company up for legal troubles. Whenever you are talking about income claims you should have your company s income disclosure on hand! The best way to protect yourself is always speak the truth when it comes to income, and anything else for that matter. It does you and your company no good to exaggerate your income to a prospect and risk legal repercussions. There are basically two types of income claims. Explicit These types of Income Claims are straightforward and clearly stated incomes above the company average.This is when you either verbally state what you are making, whether it s true or not, or when you show someone your check, either of which are above the company average income.If this is done without showing them your company s Income Disclosure Statement or directing them where to find it, leaves you open for legal issues.Rule of thumb here is
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