4 Learning Stages Reducing Frustration in your Business 4 Learning Stages Reduce Frustration We all go through these learning stages throughout our lives. When we were a baby we were just incompetent and didn t know any better. As we get older and learn more we move along the learning stages. Very quickly in some areas we get to stage 4 and we say that these things are second nature to us. Things like, walking, or riding a bike, or driving a car, or brushing your teeth. We Just do these things without really thinking about it. So one of the keys to reducing your frustrations in life concerning your business, your team, or your life is to become familiar with the Learning Stages and work everyday to progress along the stairs. Here Are The 4 Learning Stages Unconsciously Incompetent This is the learning stage that happens when we are very young or just starting out in a new endeavor. We just don t know what we don t know.Progressing from this stage to the next is probably
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