Personal Growth: 4 Levels of Competency Part of understanding Personal Growth is understanding the 4 Levels of Competency and where you are in these 4 levels. Personal Growth is one of those things that we all know we have to do, but we do it kicking and screaming. If you start to embrace the growth and the change it will be not only enjoyable but downright addicting. Part of your personal development should be to become more competent in all areas of your business. So in today s post I just want to go over these 4 Levels of Competency and let you decide where you are and what you need to do to move the next level. Here Are The 4 Levels of Competency 1. Unconscious Incompetence At this level, you don t even know how incompetent you really are. It s kind of a state of bliss. This is the level where you ve heard people say I just don t have a clue and you don t know how big and much that is. Being competent at this level just doesn t happen. Wikipedia defines this stage as T