Sunday, May 31, 2015

Personal Growth: 4 Levels of Competency

Personal Growth: 4 Levels of Competency Part of understanding Personal Growth is understanding the 4 Levels of Competency and where you are in these 4 levels. Personal Growth is one of those things that we all know we have to do, but we do it kicking and screaming.  If you start to embrace the growth and the change it will be not only enjoyable but downright addicting. Part of your personal development should be to become more competent in all areas of your business. So in today s post I just want to go over these 4 Levels of Competency and let you decide where you are and what you need to do to move the next level. Here Are The 4 Levels of Competency 1.     Unconscious Incompetence At this level, you don t even know how incompetent you really are.  It s kind of a state of bliss. This is the level where you ve heard people say I just don t have a clue and you don t know how big and much that is. Being competent at this level just doesn t happen. Wikipedia defines this stage as T

Personal Growth: 4 Levels of Competency — Ron Deering - Dream Lifestyle

Part of understanding Personal Growth is understanding the 4 Levels of Competency and where you are in these 4 levels.

Saturday, May 30, 2015

Blogging Tips: How Important Is Generating Leads?

Blogging Tips: How Important Is Generating Leads? This is an age old question how important is generating leads?  I probably get ask this question 4 or 5 times a week and the answer is always the same, the Most Important Thing! If you are a blogger and are thinking that getting traffic is the most important thing you need to change your thinking! Today I want to change your thinking and let you know that traffic without a way to collect leads is just worthless. Think about how many people that may come to your site and never come back.  If you don t have a way to capture that visitor then you have LOST that potential lead and sale. Why Generating Leads is So Very Important! I am constantly going through blogging tips and trying to get better with my blogging.  This is always for the purpose of generating leads and creating a bigger list. My mentor and friend Ray Higdon will tell over and over again that the way to make money is focused on getting leads and then adding value to that

Blogging Tips: How Important Is Generating Leads? — Ron Deering - Dream Lifestyle

This is an age old question how important is generating leads? I probably get ask this question 4 or 5 times a week and the answer is always the same,

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

MLM Recruiting: 3 Tips on Social Media Marketing

MLM Recruiting: 3 Tips on Social Media Marketing MLM Recruiting is the biggest questions most new recruits have.  They are always looking for new ways to increase sign ups and increase conversions into their business. But, what happens when you re doing all you can and your downline just isn t growing as fast as you expect it to? If you have hit a wall with your MLM recruiting and are looking for new, fresh ways to increase your sign ups, income and authority, here are three methods for MLM recruiting you can implement now to get better results.

MLM Recruiting: 3 Tips on Social Media Marketing — Ron Deering - Dream Lifestyle

MLM Recruiting is the biggest questions most new recruits have. They are always looking for new ways to increase sign ups and increase conversions into their business.

Sunday, May 24, 2015

Course Review: Ray Higdon's The 3 Minute Expert!

Every so often I will be blessed and come across a great course that just stands head and shoulders over the rest and I feel like it deserves a Course Review. Ray Higdon's The 3 Minute Expert is just that caliber of course.

Friday, May 22, 2015

MLM Tips: How To Develop a Rhino Skin

MLM Tips: How To Develop a Rhino Skin After many years of dealing with people and home based business, I have found that if you really want to succeed you have to develop the Rhino Skin! People are people and all of them have opinions and a reason why you are not going to succeed at whatever you are doing.  Most likely they have no idea what you are doing and have never built a business of their own. So How Do You Develop the Rhino Skin? 1.     First you need to realize this is not personal.   They are rejecting your business, not you.  Have you ever had someone tell you that if you do that business I will no longer be your friend, probably not. They are just rejecting the business or the product or even themselves and their ability to do the business, and that s okay. They are just rejecting the business or the product or even themselves and their ability to do the business, and that s okay. I m sure you all have been out to the restaurant at one time or another.  Do you think

MLM Tips: How To Develop a Rhino Skin — Ron Deering - Dream Lifestyle

After many years of dealing with people and home based business, I have found that if you really want to succeed you have to develop the Rhino Skin!

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

What's Your Perfect Career? — Ron Deering - Dream Lifestyle

Have you ever just sat down and laid out what your Perfect Career might look at? There are so many careers out there that you can choose from.

Monday, May 18, 2015

Team Building: Helping Your New Distributor Get Started Right

Team Building: Helping Your New Distributor Get Started Right So for today s post I want to talk about team building and give you the nuggets from Eric Worre s book Go Pro and the chapter on Helping Your New Distributor Get Started Right. One of the biggest challenges in Network Marketing is getting the new distributor started properly.  We may have worked on the prospecting part of our business and now we are a recruiting monster. We may have worked on the prospecting part of our business and now we are a recruiting monster. Now, what?  How do we get these new distributors started on the right step, well that s what we are going to share today. Understand that I am going to give you some great nuggets here, but the meat is in Eric s book so get the book and learn how to become a professional Network Marketer. I want to share with you his 5 part game plan interview from the book. So Here s How to Get Your New Distributor Started Right. Part One Validate Their Decision Congratulate

Sunday, May 17, 2015

Recruiting Tips: Following Up With Your Prospect — Ron Deering - Dream Lifestyle

Continuing on today with going through Eric Worre's book GoPro I wanted to talk about the Follow Up. As far as recruiting tips go this is probably one of the most important area and the least amount perfected by most new Network Marketers.

Friday, May 15, 2015

Recruiting Tips: The Emotions of Inviting — Ron Deering - Dream Lifestyle

When it comes to great recruiting tips and being a Network Marketing Professional, Eric Worre is the man to go to. His book

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Blogging Tips: How to Start Your Blog — Ron Deering - Dream Lifestyle

I don't typically do a technical post on how to's, but I've been getting a lot of questions lately on how to start your blog. So for one of my blogging tips today we are going to talk about the basics of how to start your blog.

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Wordpress Optimization: How to Speed Up Wordpress! — Ron Deering - Dream Lifestyle

Have you ever been to one of those sites where you were really interested in reading an article, or watching a video, or listening to an audio and it took forever to load. What did you do? Most likely you clicked away and went to another site to look at something else. That's exactly why site speed is so very important and WordPress optimization is critical.

Friday, May 8, 2015

Blogging: 6 Copywriting Tips for your Blog

Blogging: 6 Copywriting Tips for your Blog If you want to compete in the market of blogging for your niche, then you need to provide consistent quality content.  You first need your content to attract your visitors and then convert those visitors to leads. It s certainly not easy to produce high-quality content and be consistent.  These 6 copywriting tips will help you whether you are writing a blog post, lead page or email. I will also introduce you to a system that will help find the content topic and never run out again. So Here are Your 6 Copywriting Tips: 1.    Perfect Your Headline On average 5 times as many people read your headlines as read the body of your blog content. •   Keep your headlines Simple. •   Use the 4 U s, Urgent, Unique, Useful and Ultra- specific. •   Give your readers a real benefit a benefit of the benefit! •   Paint a Vivid Picture and create an intense emotional reaction. •   Consider your readers interest FIRST.  Answer their questi

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

MLM Tip: How to Invite – KISS!

MLM Tip: How to Invite KISS! The main key to recruiting and How to Invite is, Keep It Simple Silly! This is a pretty old cliche, but still holds a lot of impacts. The more we complicate things when it comes to inviting, the less are results. I would like to share with you a 4 step how to invite that I got from one of the top leaders in our primary business. How To Invite Keeping it Simple and Short This was probably one of the best invite sequences that I ve have seen in a long time.  It s simple, easy, and very duplicatable. So here are the 4 steps on How to Invite: 1.     Be In A Hurry So what do I mean by be in a hurry?  I m not talking about a sense of urgency, although that will come, I m talking about appearing to be busy and with little time to spend on the phone or in person to explain a lot or answer any questions. This is key and you should NOT be on the phone for more than 45 seconds.  One of the challenges that we have as new people and old timers in Network Marketin

MLM Tip: How to Invite - KISS! — Ron Deering - Dream Lifestyle

The main key to recruiting and How to Invite is, Keep It Simple Silly! This is a pretty old cliche, but still holds a lot of impact. The more we complicate things when it comes to inviting, the less are results.

Push-Button System Spits Out 477 FREE LEADS Every Week!

Push-Button System Spits Out 477 FREE LEADS Every Week!

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

MLM Training: Moving Past Failure

MLM Training: Moving Past Failure Have you ever wondered why some people have no problem moving past failure in their lives.  For today s MLM Training, I want to talk a little bit about the differences in how people handle failure. We all know that failure is something we all go through.  We also know that bad things happen to everyone.  The key, as we all have heard is how we handle what happens to us bad or good. Our mindset and attitude are something that we do have control over when we don t have control over so many other things in our lives. When things go wrong in our life we can either focus on the loss or focus on the lesson. Here s what people who focus on the loss do: Think about what they did wrong. Re-live the Pain over and over. Increase Self-Pity in their lives. Get Emotionally down and sometimes even stopped in their tracks. Feel hopeless about their life. Get stuck in the Past and start making decisions based on that. Here s what people who focus on the lesson do:

Sunday, May 3, 2015

Team Building: Laws of Teamwork Part 8

Team Building: Laws of Teamwork Part 8 Well, today ends the eight-part series on the Laws of Teamwork.  In today s post, we will be touching on Laws 15, 16, and 17. This will conclude this series based on the book by John Maxwell, The 17 Indisputable Laws of Teamwork. I hope this series has been helpful to you.  I would encourage you to pick up John s book and read it all they way through and then I would love to hear your thoughts and what you will use with your team. So, Here are Laws of Teamwork 15, 16, and 17. 1.     The Law of The Edge The Difference Between Two Equally Talented Teams Is Leadership. What is the key to success? Is it talent? Hard work? Technology? Efficiency? To be successful, a team needs all of these things, but it still needs something more. It needs leadership. • Personnel determines the potential of the team. • Vision determines the direction of the team. • Work ethic determines the preparation of the team. • Leadership determines the success of t

Friday, May 1, 2015

Team Building: Laws of Teamwork Part 7

Team Building: Laws of Teamwork Part 7 So here we are on the next to the last part of this 8 part series on the Laws of Teamwork.  I want to give credit again to John Maxwell for writing his book and I encourage you to get The 17 Indisputable Laws of Teamwork and read the whole book to get everything he has to offer. Throughout this series we have been learning about things like the law of Significance, the law of Mount Everest, The law of the Compass, and many more. So today we are going to delve into Laws of Teamwork 13 and 14.  Tomorrow we will finish this series talking about the last 3 laws, 15, 16, and 17. So let s get this party started with The Laws of Teamwork 13 and 14 1.     The Law Of Identity Shared Values Define the Team. Just as personal values influence and guide an individual s behavior, organizational values influence and guide the team s behavior. We ve all seen those teams that have a common goal yet lack in common values.  Everyone on the team has a differen