One thing I’ve discovered is that you have to be Attracting The Right People when it comes to your online marketing. Everyone is NOT a Prospect!
Understanding Attraction Marketing and exactly how it works is important, but you need to be attracting the right people.
Here’s what I’m seeing out there every single day with people in the Network Marketing Profession.
They believe that to be an online marketer they need to be plastering their company link everywhere like graffiti.
Are You Attracting The Right People?
If you set back and think about how do you feel when people are spamming your social feeds.
Does it make you want to barf or jump on board with that person?
Personally, for me, I either scroll right past it or delete it.
I can tell you from my training in the 3 Minute Expert you need to understand your target market and then be a person of value.
The days of barraging the world with your business and product are gone.
This kind of online marketing isn’t really Attraction Marketing at all it’s really Repelling Marketing.
All you end up doing is frustrating people and repelling them away from you.
In the end, people look at you as someone to avoid at all cost.
Not a good place to be!
Attracting The Right People Using Value Based Content
When you start putting out valuable content that is addressing the pain points of your target market you can then become the go-to person in your niche.
I think the biggest break of the spamming rule is on Social Media by far.
Do you remember the time you were invited over for dinner and when things were wrapping up out of nowhere can the infamous white board and the circles began to appear.
You wanted to just get up and leave.
Well, it’s the same feeling on Social Media.
People are becoming your friends and then whipping out the proverbial white board and start with the spamming.
Do you really want to be one of THOSE People?
Wouldn’t you rather start attracting the right people to your business?
People like you that are interested in learning, building and getting better at their Profession.
You will never attract the heavy hitters by being a spammer.
What you will attract is haters, spammers and others of that mindset.
The other thing you end up doing is making yourself un-duplicatable.
You want to build a team of Leaders and people who understand how to Attract other Leaders.
Marketing Online is all about MARKETING not throwing links out there and seeing what sticks.
Try and remember what commercials in your life you still remember because of either the value or the humorous way they were presented.
It wasn’t about the product it was about the ad and the value.
Attracting The Right People With Marketing
The second word in Network MARKETING is Marketing.
That should give you a clue, right.
We should all be striving to be better marketers and not those people that are out there spreading the junk mail.
Learning how to do proper Attraction Marketing is critical if you are going to sustain your business long term.
You want people to reach out to you. You want to become the HUNTED instead of the HUNTER!
More details on Attracting the Right People in the video and here are some other resources that may help you:
3 Proven MLM Attraction Marketing Secrets
The Law Of Attraction The Secret For The Future
VIDEO: Attracting The Right People
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Skype: rdeering1952
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PS: If Your Upline Does Not Have a Step-By-Step Blueprint For ONLINE Marketing Success, Check This Out (Unless You Already Have Too Many Leads) – Click Here For Instant Access
from Ron Deering
from Ron Deering