Thursday, May 19, 2016

Are You Attracting The Right People?

Are You Attracting The Right People?One thing I’ve discovered is that you have to be Attracting The Right People when it comes to your online marketing.  Everyone is NOT a Prospect!

Understanding Attraction Marketing and exactly how it works is important, but you need to be attracting the right people.

Here’s what I’m seeing out there every single day with people in the Network Marketing Profession.

They believe that to be an online marketer they need to be plastering their company link everywhere like graffiti.

Are You Attracting The Right People?

If you set back and think about how do you feel when people are spamming your social feeds.

Does it make you want to barf or jump on board with that person?

Personally, for me, I either scroll right past it or delete it.

frustrated-business-ownerI can tell you from my training in the 3 Minute Expert you need to understand your target market and then be a person of value.

The days of barraging the world with your business and product are gone.

This kind of online marketing isn’t really Attraction Marketing at all it’s really Repelling Marketing.

All you end up doing is frustrating people and repelling them away from you.

In the end, people look at you as someone to avoid at all cost.

Not a good place to be!

Attracting The Right People Using Value Based Content

When you start putting out valuable content that is addressing the pain points of your target market you can then become the go-to person in your niche.

I think the biggest break of the spamming rule is on Social Media by far.

Do you remember the time you were invited over for dinner and when things were wrapping up out of nowhere can the infamous white board and the circles began to appear.

You wanted to just get up and leave.

Well, it’s the same feeling on Social Media.

People are becoming your friends and then whipping out the proverbial white board and start with the spamming.

Do you really want to be one of THOSE People?

Wouldn’t you rather start attracting the right people to your business?

People like you that are interested in learning, building and getting better at their Profession.

You will never attract the heavy hitters by being a spammer.

What you will attract is haters, spammers and others of that mindset.

The other thing you end up doing is making yourself un-duplicatable.

You want to build a team of Leaders and people who understand how to Attract other Leaders.

Marketing Online is all about MARKETING not throwing links out there and seeing what sticks.

Try and remember what commercials in your life you still remember because of either the value or the humorous way they were presented.

It wasn’t about the product it was about the ad and the value.

Attracting The Right People With Marketing

The second word in Network MARKETING is Marketing.

That should give you a clue, right.

We should all be striving to be better marketers and not those people that are out there spreading the junk mail.

Learning how to do proper Attraction Marketing is critical if you are going to sustain your business long term.

You want people to reach out to you.  You want to become the HUNTED instead of the HUNTER!

More details on Attracting the Right People in the video and here are some other resources that may help you:

3 Proven MLM Attraction Marketing Secrets

The Law Of Attraction The Secret For The Future

What is Attraction Marketing?

VIDEO: Attracting The Right People

FREE 19 Min Movie reveals the 5 things they do daily to Get More Leads, Sign Up Reps, and Make Money from the 90% who say NO to YOUR Biz Opp… GUARANTEED!

Please be sure to TWEET THIS POST NOW!  Sharing is caring.  :)

Was this post valuable to you?  if YES… I would love to hear your comments and share below.


Skype: rdeering1952
Text Me: (208) 704-9700
SnapChatFollow Me On ShapChat

PS: If Your Upline Does Not Have a Step-By-Step Blueprint For ONLINE Marketing Success, Check This Out (Unless You Already Have Too Many Leads) – Click Here For Instant Access

from Ron Deering

from Ron Deering

Are You Attracting The Right People?

Are You Attracting The Right People?One thing I’ve discovered is that you have to be Attracting The Right People when it comes to your online marketing.  Everyone is NOT a Prospect!

Understanding Attraction Marketing and exactly how it works is important, but you need to be attracting the right people.

Here’s what I’m seeing out there every single day with people in the Network Marketing Profession.

They believe that to be an online marketer they need to be plastering their company link everywhere like graffiti.

Are You Attracting The Right People?

If you set back and think about how do you feel when people are spamming your social feeds.

Does it make you want to barf or jump on board with that person?

Personally, for me, I either scroll right past it or delete it.

frustrated-business-ownerI can tell you from my training in the 3 Minute Expert you need to understand your target market and then be a person of value.

The days of barraging the world with your business and product are gone.

This kind of online marketing isn’t really Attraction Marketing at all it’s really Repelling Marketing.

All you end up doing is frustrating people and repelling them away from you.

In the end, people look at you as someone to avoid at all cost.

Not a good place to be!

Attracting The Right People Using Value Based Content

When you start putting out valuable content that is addressing the pain points of your target market you can then become the go-to person in your niche.

I think the biggest break of the spamming rule is on Social Media by far.

Do you remember the time you were invited over for dinner and when things were wrapping up out of nowhere can the infamous white board and the circles began to appear.

You wanted to just get up and leave.

Well, it’s the same feeling on Social Media.

People are becoming your friends and then whipping out the proverbial white board and start with the spamming.

Do you really want to be one of THOSE People?

Wouldn’t you rather start attracting the right people to your business?

People like you that are interested in learning, building and getting better at their Profession.

You will never attract the heavy hitters by being a spammer.

What you will attract is haters, spammers and others of that mindset.

The other thing you end up doing is making yourself un-duplicatable.

You want to build a team of Leaders and people who understand how to Attract other Leaders.

Marketing Online is all about MARKETING not throwing links out there and seeing what sticks.

Try and remember what commercials in your life you still remember because of either the value or the humorous way they were presented.

It wasn’t about the product it was about the ad and the value.

Attracting The Right People With Marketing

The second word in Network MARKETING is Marketing.

That should give you a clue, right.

We should all be striving to be better marketers and not those people that are out there spreading the junk mail.

Learning how to do proper Attraction Marketing is critical if you are going to sustain your business long term.

You want people to reach out to you.  You want to become the HUNTED instead of the HUNTER!

More details on Attracting the Right People in the video and here are some other resources that may help you:

3 Proven MLM Attraction Marketing Secrets

The Law Of Attraction The Secret For The Future

What is Attraction Marketing?

VIDEO: Attracting The Right People

FREE 19 Min Movie reveals the 5 things they do daily to Get More Leads, Sign Up Reps, and Make Money from the 90% who say NO to YOUR Biz Opp… GUARANTEED!

Please be sure to TWEET THIS POST NOW!  Sharing is caring.  :)

Was this post valuable to you?  if YES… I would love to hear your comments and share below.


Skype: rdeering1952
Text Me: (208) 704-9700
SnapChatFollow Me On ShapChat

PS: If Your Upline Does Not Have a Step-By-Step Blueprint For ONLINE Marketing Success, Check This Out (Unless You Already Have Too Many Leads) – Click Here For Instant Access

from Ron Deering

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Great Leadership Quotes to Inspire You To Greatness

Great Leadership Quotes to Inspire You To GreatnessToday I want to share with you some Great Leadership Quotes from the Master of Leadership John Maxwell.  I hope these Inspire you to Greatness.

John Maxwell has been around for years teaching Leadership to Individuals, Heads of State and Business Leaders.

He is known for his down to earth approach to leadership that just works and makes sense.

He has been my mentor in the area of my life for many years and I have had the privilege of sitting down with him in a small setting and learning how to become a better leader.

I would like to start with some definitions that John has for what Leadership is.

Great Leadership Quotes – What Is Leadership

  • Leadership is the willingness to put oneself at risk.
  • Leadership is the passion for making a difference with others.
  • Leadership is being dissatisfied with the current reality.
  • Leadership is taking responsibility while others are making excuses.
  • Leadership is seeing the possibilities in a situation while others are seeing the limitations.
  • Leadership is the readiness to stand out in a crowd.
  • Leadership is an open mind and an open heart.
  • Leadership is the ability to submerge your ego for the sake of what is best.
  • Leadership is evoking in others the capacity to dream.
  • Leadership is inspiring others with a vision of what they can contribute.
  • Leadership is the power of one harnessing the power of many.
  • Leadership is your heart speaking to the hearts of others.
  • Leadership is the integration of heart, head, and soul.
  • Leadership is the capacity to care, and in caring, to liberate the ideas, energy, and capacities of others.
  • Leadership is the dream made a reality.
  • Leadership is, above all, courageous.

Great Leadership Quotes to Inspire You To Greatness

  • “Leadership is not about titles, positions or flowcharts. It is about one life influencing another.”
  • “Seven Steps to Success
    1) Make a commitment to grow daily.
    2) Value the process more than events.
    3) Don’t wait for inspiration.
    4) Be willing to sacrifice pleasure for opportunity.
    5) Dream big.
    6) Plan your priorities.
    7) Give up to go up.”
  • “We cannot become what we need by remaining what we are.”
  • “Change is inevitable. Growth is optional.”
  • “The greatest day in your life and mine is when we take total responsibility for our attitudes. That’s the day we truly grow up.”
  • “A man must be big enough to admit his mistakes, smart enough to profit from them, and strong enough to correct them.”
  • “Life is 10% what happens to me and 90% of how I react to it.”
  • “Leaders must be close enough to relate to others, but far enough ahead to motivate them.”
  • “Success is…
    knowing your purpose in life,
    growing to reach your maximum potential, and
    sowing seeds that benefit others.”
  • “Talent is a gift, but character is a choice.”
  • “If we are growing we are always going to be outside our
    comfort zone.”
  • “Learn to say ‘no’ to the good so you can say ‘yes’ to the best.”
  • “if you don’t have peace, it isn’t because someone took it from you; you gave it away. You cannot always control what happens to you, but you can control what happens in you.”
  • “The greatest mistake we make is living in constant fear that we will make one.”
  • “Question for God every morning: What is the main event today? What do you want me to focus on today?”
  • “Remember, man does not live on bread alone: sometimes he needs a little buttering up.”
  • “A leader who produces other leaders multiples their influences.”
  • “The whole idea of motivation is a trap. Forget motivation.
    Just do it. Exercise, lose weight, test your blood sugar, or
    whatever. Do it without motivation. And then, guess what?
    After you start doing the thing, that’s when the motivation
    comes and makes it easy for you to keep on doing it.”
  • “The only guarantee for failure is to stop trying”
  • “If you start today to do the right thing, you are already a success even if it doesn’t show yet.”
  • “If you don’t change the direction you are going, then you’re likely to end up where you’re heading…”
  • “Stay focused instead of getting offended or off track by others.”
  • “You have to live with the people to know their needs, and you have to live with God to know how to solve them.”
  • “Relational skills are the most important abilities in leadership.”
  • “Everything begins with a decision. Then, we have to manage that decision for the rest of your life.”

“There was a very cautious man
Who never laughed or played
He never risked, he never tried,
He never sang or prayed.
And when he on day passed away,
His insurance was denied,
For since he never really lived,
They claimed he never really died.

I hope these great leadership quotes for John Maxwell will inspire your day and help you inspire others.

There are so many Great Leadership Quotes out there and I encourage you to not stop with these.

Here are some other resources that might help you:

Famous Quotes: Top 20 Quotes From Tony Robbins

30 Famous Inspirational Quotes To Motivate You Daily

33 Inspirational Quotes for Network Marketers

If you are REALLY Serious about building your brand and becoming an expert in your niche then you NEED to have Ray Higdon’s Course on Becoming the 3 Minute Expert.

Please be sure to TWEET THIS POST NOW!  Sharing is caring.  :)

Was this post valuable to you?  if YES… I would love to hear your comments and share below.


Skype: rdeering1952
Text Me: (208) 704-9700
SnapChatFollow Me On ShapChat

PS: If Your Upline Does Not Have a Step-By-Step Blueprint For ONLINE Marketing Success, Check This Out (Unless You Already Have Too Many Leads) – Click Here For Instant Access

from Ron Deering

Sunday, May 15, 2016

Using Live Video Streaming To Become a Marketing Celebrity

Using Live Video Streaming To Become a Marketing CelebrityUsing Live Video Streaming is one way to brand yourself and become an online marketing celebrity while building your Business.

What seems to be the rage today for most of the top marketers is to use live video streaming to brand themselves.

Using platforms like Periscope, Facebook Live, Blab, and Snapchat.

Understanding how to use these properly and consistently is key to becoming a Marketing Celebrity In your Niche.

I want to share with you something that will help you start your Live Video Streaming journey with confidence.

Using Live Video Streaming To Become a Marketing Celebrity

Biggest Mistakes

  • Branding your business instead of branding yourself.
    Basically, this is the old spamming your business links and video everywhere
  • Leading with your Business, Product or Service
  • Being Inconsistent

How To Reach Celebrity Status Using Live Video Streaming

  • FREE Valuable Content is the foundation of your success
  • Videos are 800% more effective than any other type of marketing
  • Live Video is, even MORE, Effective.
  • The ultimate way to define your brand and begin to build your following is to do a Live Show every day for 30 days.

6 Key Ingredients to Building Your Celebrity Status

  1.    Long-term Vision
  2.    Your Online Branding Infrastructure
  3.    Daily Method of Operation: Active Prospecting & Passive Marketing
  4.    System to Capture Leads
  5.    Convert Leads into Clients
  6.    Cultivate Long Term Relationships

I love what Nadya Melton teaches in her training – “Visibility + Credibility = Profitability.”

What you want to do is pick one Social Media to perfect to direct all of your traffic to your Ultimate Hub: Your Blog.

Too many times people spread themselves so thin that they end up accomplishing NOTHING.

Pick a platform to do your Live Videos and build your audience and following sending them back to your Hub.

Your Social Media Profile is

  • A Warm Market Generator
  • Your Own TV Channel!!!

Here are 7 Social Media Branding Secrets That Nadya shared that are amazing.  If you want to become a Celebrity this is where you start.

  1. Social Media Profile = Your Mini Website
  2. Upload your best photo (People want to know whom they are interacting with)
  3. Your cover photo should be branded to you, not your business
  4. Fill out the about section in a way that edifies you & provokes curiosity
  5. Run your newsfeed like a TV Channel (Don’t be an infomercial)
  6. Don’t be boring (Entertain-Inspire-Educate)
  7. Use VIDEOS – Videos are 800% more effective than text.

Types of Live Video

  • How to – Education based Marketing
  • Interviews
  • Presentation / Webinar
  • Vlog Style

FB Live VS Periscope

 FB Live Periscope
  •  More Viewers
  • Less Viral Effect
  • Few Trolls with Goals
  • Better Quality
  • Easier to Connect
  •  Push Notifications
  • Easier to Share & Go Viral
  • Lots of Trolls with Goals
  • Better Engagement

What Makes a Great Broadcast?

  1.    Get Audience Attention
  2.    Introduce Yourself
  3.    Valuable generic content
  4.    Be Real
  5.    Be brief and HAVE FUN!!
  6.    Always end with a CTA that is congruent with your content.

Lastly What Not To Do

  • Get discouraged with only a few people when you start
  • Do them once in awhile and expect big results – remember that consistency is the KEY!
  • Don’t go for perfection – “You Don’t Have To Be Great To Start, but You Do Have To Start To Get Great!”
  • People LOVE Reality TV!

At the end of the day, you need to show up every day and be consistent.

Just try doing a video every day for 30 days and I promise you will hone your skills and become unstoppable.

How would you feel if you woke up when day and you ran into someone on the street and they recognized you and told you that they were following your show online.

Wouldn’t that make you feel like a Celebrity?

from Ron Deering

Thursday, May 12, 2016

4 Key Benefits To Branding YOU!

4 Key Benefits To Branding YOU!I believe there are 4 Key Benefits to Branding You that every good marketer should know and understand.  Branding Yourself will set you apart from others.

Becoming an expert and the go-to person in your niche is what branding yourself is all about.

When you understand that no matter what changes around you in your business you are the one constant.

The advantages to creating YOU, Inc are substantial and should be understood and embraced

4 Key Benefits To Branding YOU!

•     Competition Disappears

How many times have you had to justify or defend your product, comp plan, or company because of the competition?

If you are branding you then the only competition that you have is yourself.

Remember you are unique and no one else can be or compete with YOU, Inc.

This will also push you to continually work on personal growth and training.

•     You Stand Out

I can’t tell how big this one is.  Everyone out there is spamming their company links, product links, and opportunity links everywhere.

When you become that person who is branding themselves and producing daily VALUE to your target market you become the oddity.

You stand out because there just aren’t that many MLM’ers that are taking the time to add value and brand themselves.

You become unique and therefore Stand Out in the Profession!

•     You’re Selling Yourself

When you understand that people work with those they Know, Like, and Trust.

Instead of trying to sell the benefits of your great product you’re selling the value that you offer.

It doesn’t matter what the product is or what the comp plan is you letting people find out who YOU are and what you have to offer.

For example, if you are teaching people about how to get more leads and are constantly providing value for that topic people will hunt you down for your training.

You are Selling Yourself as the expert in your niche no matter what business you are with.

•     You Are In Control

I hope you all understand that you DO NOT own your MLM Business!

When I say that I mean that you do not control if they decide to change the product, comp plan, or just shut down.

You have no control over what the company does, but you have total control of YOU!

Once you become the BRAND people look to follow you and not necessarily your business.

You have ALL of the control when it comes to Branding You and the only one that can make or break that is YOU!

More details on these Key Benefits in the video and here are some other resources that may help you:

Top 5 Personal Branding Tips You Should Be Doing Today

Marketing Tips: 4 Rules for Personal Branding

How To Use Gravatar To Enhance Your Personal Branding.

VIDEO: 4 Key Benefits To Branding YOU

If you are REALLY Serious about building your brand and becoming an expert in your niche then you NEED to have Ray Higdon’s Course on Becoming the 3 Minute Expert.

Please be sure to TWEET THIS POST NOW!  Sharing is caring. :)

Was this post valuable to you?  if YES… I would love to hear your comments and share below.


Skype: rdeering1952
Text Me: (208) 704-9700
SnapChatFollow Me On ShapChat

PS: If Your Upline Does Not Have a Step-By-Step Blueprint For ONLINE Marketing Success, Check This Out (Unless You Already Have Too Many Leads) – Click Here For Instant Access

from Ron Deering

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Some Essential Video Tools and Ninja Weapons

Some Essential Video Tools and Ninja WeaponsIf you are going to be doing Video Marketing then you need to know what Video Tools you need to make your mark in the video world.

If you are serious about your Video Marketing then you need to look at these two programs, Video Marketing Insider, and Video Marketing Secrets

Most people think that they have to have the very expensive equipment to start their Video Marketing journey.

Well, that’s just not the case and I’m going to share that with you today.

You are going to find your starting costs are going to be minimal and very affordable.

Some Essential Video Tools and Ninja Weapons

1.     Camera

This is the one thing that people get worried about.

They think they have to go out and spend a fortune on a high-end camera or they won’t have good videos.

It’s just not the case!

I believe there are 4 options that you have that are either no cost or very low costs.

1.    Your Cell Phone – Our phones these days have amazing cameras built into them
2.    Your Laptop Webcam – I have a Macbook Pro and love the built in webcam
3.    Your Desktop Webcam – A lot of the desktop computers now are all in one’s that also have built in webcams
4.    An inexpensive USB Webcam – I have the Logitech C930 which is a pretty high end but you can get ones for much less.

So, don’t fret over the camera you most likely have the best camera going right in your hand right NOW!

2.     Audio

Nothing worse than having a great looking video that sounds terrible.

If you are going to spend any money on video tools you need to make sure you have a good mic!

I use two mics.

The First one is my Blue Yeti USB Microphone that I use when I’m doing a screencast or doing video from my laptop webcam.

The Second is my Lavalier Lapel Microphone that connects directly to my iPhone.  This is what I use most of the time.

As a minimum, you should have a good lapel mic to start with and you will have a great video system with you phone and mic.

3.     Lights

These are one of those things again that people feel like they have to spend hundreds and hundreds on.

The reality is you really don’t.

First, the best lighting you can get is outdoor sunlight, which is absolutely free.

One of the first things I did in my office before I bought professional lights was to switch out my lights with daylight lights.

This made a huge difference and was very inexpensive.

When I made the switch to better lighting I found this package, Photography Photo Portrait Studio on Amazon that was complete and not very spendy.

I ended up getting this package, LimoStudio Photo Video Studio Light Kit because it came with a green screen setup for things I want to do in the future.

The point is there are many choices out there from inexpensive to the expensive full blown studio kits.

4.     Ninja Tips

Here are two tips that will also help you.

You should get yourself a good Tripod with an Adapter to hold your phone.

You should also get yourself a good Selfie Stick with a built-in Bluetooth remote.

I believe with these two additional items you will become the Ninja Video Marketer you can be.

More details on these Online Video Tools in the video and here are some other resources that may help you:

Video Editing Techniques For Video Marketers

Video Marketing Equipment: Getting Started With The Basics.

Simple Guide On How To Use Facebook Live Video Streaming.

VIDEO: Some Essential Video Tools and Ninja Weapons

FREE 19 Min Movie reveals the 5 things they do daily to Get More Leads, Sign Up Reps, and Make Money from the 90% who say NO to YOUR Biz Opp… GUARANTEED!

Please be sure to TWEET THIS POST NOW!  Sharing is caring.

Was this post valuable to you?  if YES… I would love to hear your comments and share below.


Skype: rdeering1952
Text Me: (208) 704-9700
SnapChatFollow Me On ShapChat

PS: If Your Upline Does Not Have a Step-By-Step Blueprint For ONLINE Marketing Success, Check This Out (Unless You Already Have Too Many Leads) – Click Here For Instant Access

from Ron Deering